
Monday, September 28, 2015

Girls Night Out Outfit

I love girls night out they are the best. Sometimes you just need to go out and have a good time with your girlfriends and just have fun. I have a couple of different things that i love to do with my friends. Going out to eat ,go bowling or even just have a girls night in. So here is my outfit for a fall girls night out.
"Untitled #16" by lexseeaguilar on Polyvore featuring Rebecca Minkoff
The sweater makes it so fall appropriate and the shoes are that dark berry color which helps pull the look together. I would defiantly wear this to dinner or to get drinks. I love the necklace in this outfit it makes it a little more dressier and pulls the outfit together.

What is your favorite thing to do for a girls night out ? Let me know in the comments below. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

My Camping Experience

Hello Everyone so i don't know if you all know but for labor day weekend i went camping. I had never been camping before so it was all new and exciting to me. Overall i think it was a good trip and i would defiantly do it again next year . I took some pictures to show you guys and brought you all along with me !

So we went to a campsite called Burlingame in Rhode island and everything there was just so beautiful. It was open and you were just there in the outdoors taking in nature. The first night we arrived around 6pm so we had to set everything  up and just get settled in. After all that we had some dinner which it was burrito night let me just say YUMMY ! After all that we kind of just hung out by the fire and went to bed.

The next day we woke up it was Friday some people went to work and some stayed. Almost all of us decided to go on down to the lake and go for a swim even Stella my dog went swimming as well. 

We all came back i took a shower because i felt a little gross and then we just hung out and socialized till it was dinner time which was grilling night.

The next day which was Saturday we all just kind of hung around are campsites we went to the lake a little bit and just had a relaxing day being with Friends.

On Sunday we all had a big church service where we just sang some songs and had a message. We then wanted to go out for a hike to see a old graveyard that was in the woods.That night some of us decided to go night swimming and the little kids decided to have a movie night in the woods. Thank goodness we have generators to do something like that.

This was the movie screen and everyone wanted to watch tangled , it was a pretty cool thing to do and all of the kids loved it.
This was the rest of us going night swimming and it was a blast. You could see all the stars and we even saw a satellite it was just so cool to be out on the lake when everything was so dark and peaceful. There were people who were also trying to set off the lanterns into the sky and messed up the first time.  It got stuck in a tree and half of our group thought there was going to be a fire. Though it didn't and we all just laughed about it. 

This was a amazing experience for me. I got closer to friends that Ive had and made some really good memories  with them. I made some new friends and got close to those i didn't really know that well. I would have to say that i had a blast camping and look forward to it again next year minus all the bug bites. 

Have you ever been camping before ? If so tell me in the comments bellow how you liked it . Make sure to subscribe through email or follow me through Bloglovin to get updates on when i upload the blog !

Monday, September 21, 2015

Riding The Elephants

So today i was supposed to have a Birthday outfit post but when your having too much fun you forget to take pictures. So today i am going to tell you about one of my favorite memories riding a elephant!

So if you know me really well you will know that I'm in love with elephants. I have room decor of them i have shirts and scarfs i just love them ! Well lets jump into the story.One year me and my sister Samantha took a trip to go and visit my dad in California  We had all decided to go to the big fair that was around them we rode rides and got some awesome food and just had a great time.
At the end we were just about to leave and i realized that you could ride elephants.I hurried over to where they were and instantly got in line for a ticket. I didn't really care how much it cost all i knew was i wanted to ride that elephant. Now some of you may think this is cruel and that they treat there animals wrong. I have seen that and i WILL not ride those. This one looked really good and the people seemed genuine. Anyways so me and my sister got up and it and we rode the elephant, i was super excited and pet it the entire time i was on it. I still  say that i want to ride in on a elephant to my wedding but don't think that it will really happen. So this is just a little memory of mine that i wanted to share with you all and i hope you enjoyed it. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

The 4 Best Things About Fall

So i would like to think that the fall  is here and that it is officaly fall even if the first day is on the 23rd. I love everything about fall  from the smells to the activities fall is the best season. so i wanted to tell you guys the 4 things i love the most about the fall season. 

  1. The fashion, i love to wear all of falls fashions. scarfs, big sweaters, boots and all that fun stuff.  there is just something about being cozied up in a over sized sweater and uggs or boots and going to a camp fire or pumpkin picking. 

2. The next thing that i like about the fall time is the activities . I love doing anything fall related, i love to go apple picking and on hay rides and its around that time that we go out and tag our Christmas tree. I look forward to going apple picking this year and to making new traditions for the fall. 
Apples and Sweaters ... my favorite time of year!

3.Next would have to be the fall scents. I love all of the musky and fall smelling perfumes and candles  I love to get my candles from two different places bath and body works and Yankee candle. I also like to get my fall body sprays from bath and body works as well. 

More Bath and Body Works Fall 2014 Candles | This is perfect for pumpkin lovers!:  
That pecan waffle one looks like it will smell so good and i may have to see if i can purchase it like right away. 

Bath & Body Works Scents of the Season Fall 2014 Collection:

4. The final thing that i love and may be my favorite thing about fall is the food. I love the pumpkin and apple and pecan pies. As well as any warm dish i can get my hands on but i think my favorite dinner might be some sweet potato enchiladas. 
Strawberry-Apple Pie | Up Close  Tasty:

What are some of your favorite things to do in the fall? Let me know in the comments! Also subscribe to our email list and get updated when Hello September puts up a new post. If you have any request for post let us know as well and we will get it up as soon as possible. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

What led me to Cosmetology ?

Hello everyone so i am sorry that i didn't post anything in the last week. Coming home from vacation i  jumped right into my normal schedule and just needed a little break. But i am back and at it and planning some awesome and fun post for you all ! so lets get on started on why i choose to become a hair dresser !

The Beginning : 

So i think everything  started when i was in middle school, i had three different things i wanted to be when i got older. A writer, a model, and a hairdresser.As i got older i just knew that this was what i was meant to do, making people feel beautiful and creating a self confidence in them. In my senior year of high school i struggled with well i want to do missions and do what God is calling me to do with homeless but at the same time i still really want to become a hairdresser. I didn't know how to use both of the talents i was given and put them together and i am honestly just starting to figure all that out.

Cosmo School:
Have you ever thought that you were going to be really good at something but didn't get it right away and wanted to give up ? Well i have and that is what i felt like my first couple weeks in beauty school. I thought i was awful at what i was doing i was never going to get it right and i just sucked at cutting hair. I am glad that i stuck with it though because i LOVE my job and what i was made to do. Though school was hard at first i finally got into the grove of things. I had my moments where it was tough and i wanted to just give up but i stuck with it and i am sure glad that i did.

Could i see myself anywhere else? 
I think  about being in a different job a ton. I wonder what it would be like and what type of person i would be. but in the end i know for a fact that God made me to be a hairstylist. Not just for it to be my job but to be able to help and serve others and to build there confidence and teach them about Jesus Christ.

What was your dream job growing up? Are you doing what you thought you would be? leave a comment bellow and let me know.

Friday, September 4, 2015

4 Ways To Give Back This Fall

Hello my beautiful friends so today we are going to be talking about 4 different ways to give back this fall ! I love giving  back to my community in todays post some of these things will be things I've done or some will be the things that I want to do. So lets jump right in.

  1. Make Blessing bags : I have done this before and let me say it was a huge hit ! I found this idea through someone on YouTube and I loved it! basically what it consists of is toiletry items in  a bag and you leave them in your car and when you see a homeless person you give them out. we did them a little differently we made about 100 of them and took them out to the city of providence and we handed them out to the homeless and just stopped and talked to them and go to know them. we ended up going back multiple times and just hanging out feeding them dinner and playing board games with them.
  2. Bring pies to the fire and police department:  This is another thing that I have done with my family and its pretty cool. My little cousin wanted to do something for the people who were working during thanksgiving so we baked up some pies and brought them down. The fire fighters and police officers were so great full that someone would stop and do this for them.  
  3. Put together a care package for a missionary or a military person: This is one that I have never done before but I am going to have to try. Go to your church or even ask on Facebook if anyone knows a military or missionary and explain that you want to send them a care package. Assemble up some goodies you think they will like or need and send it off there way. they will be so thrilled that someone took the time to do this and thought of them .
  4. Bring toys to your local homeless shelter:  They tend to need more toys around Christmas time to give to kids. My local shelter has a little shop where the less fortunate can come and Christmas shop for there kids. so check into your shelters and see if they have this as well or if they have any need for old toys or clothes.