
Showing posts with label giving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giving. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2015

4 Ways To Give Back This Fall

Hello my beautiful friends so today we are going to be talking about 4 different ways to give back this fall ! I love giving  back to my community in todays post some of these things will be things I've done or some will be the things that I want to do. So lets jump right in.

  1. Make Blessing bags : I have done this before and let me say it was a huge hit ! I found this idea through someone on YouTube and I loved it! basically what it consists of is toiletry items in  a bag and you leave them in your car and when you see a homeless person you give them out. we did them a little differently we made about 100 of them and took them out to the city of providence and we handed them out to the homeless and just stopped and talked to them and go to know them. we ended up going back multiple times and just hanging out feeding them dinner and playing board games with them.
  2. Bring pies to the fire and police department:  This is another thing that I have done with my family and its pretty cool. My little cousin wanted to do something for the people who were working during thanksgiving so we baked up some pies and brought them down. The fire fighters and police officers were so great full that someone would stop and do this for them.  
  3. Put together a care package for a missionary or a military person: This is one that I have never done before but I am going to have to try. Go to your church or even ask on Facebook if anyone knows a military or missionary and explain that you want to send them a care package. Assemble up some goodies you think they will like or need and send it off there way. they will be so thrilled that someone took the time to do this and thought of them .
  4. Bring toys to your local homeless shelter:  They tend to need more toys around Christmas time to give to kids. My local shelter has a little shop where the less fortunate can come and Christmas shop for there kids. so check into your shelters and see if they have this as well or if they have any need for old toys or clothes.